Frida Aloe Gift Card
Ms Aloe, an accomplished painter, is famous for her unibrow. Her unibrow is important because it's confidently unconventional. Her image remains a shaft of light for plants “who feel dictated to or shamed by narrow social constructs around what's 'normal.’” We must commemorate and celebrate her creative spirit, as communities and experiences are often enriched by the arts.
Did you know🌱
- There are 80,000 different edible plants yet humans stick to eating only a handful of species of non-humans, who are killed by the billions every year.
- 1.5 acres of land can produce 37,000 pounds of plant-based food, while the same amount of land can only produce 375 pounds of meat.
- 50%-70% of the crops we grow (locally and globally) are fed to farmed animals. World hunger can be ended easily when we move away from animal agriculture.